Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Channeling my inner Effie Trinket?

I love themed parties. Unfortunately, I've been to very few and none of them really lived up to my expectations; some were just regular house parties named as so, and some just failed overall. I'm currently on the lookout for a flapper dress for a 20s themed party. I could go on about how the 20s really wasn't only about the flappers, how it really popularized in 1928 ish, but I'll stop. I really don't know a lot about things, just tid-bits of a lot of things. 

While on the search for an affordable yet doable dress online, I ran into a dress that would be perfect had I wanted to be Effie Trinket. Oh Halloween is so far, but this dress with some Marie Antoinette-esque makeup would fit the picture. I'd DIY this, but the crinkled organza makes the dress more perfect that I couldn't possible copy. 

via H&M 

But I just might DIY this for halloween. Because when else will I be as bold wearing something that is slightly extreme and out of the norm as this? (But again, this is a beautiful out of the norm dress.)

Maybe Effie Trinket traveled back in time to join the Gatsby crew hmm? :)

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