Saturday, February 25, 2012

Audrey Hepburn and Her Turtleneck Sweater

I know some might find it cliche, but I think Audrey Hepburn is one of the most beautiful people in the world, inside and out. Although she mostly played roles where she played sophisticated high socialites, her life outside of acting consisted of pure humility. But what do I know? I never met her, only read about her.

Lately, I've had the urge to find myself a fitted black turtleneck(polo neck) sweater and wear it with either a vibrant skirt along with black tights, black skinnies or anything! I'd like to imagine that I look as chic and elegant as Audrey Hepburn does when I wear a black turtleneck (chuckles). Here's two images, where she looks beautiful as ever despite time passing by.

Audrey circa 1953

Audrey circa 1991
Both pictures via myhumblefash's flickr

And I know many people might go against this, but ever since I watched Star Wars Episode I the Phantom Menace, I saw a strong resemblance between Natalie Portman and Audrey Hepburn. They both have that certain gamine-like beauty that withstands time. Is it just my biased admiration towards both of them  or do they really resemble each other? 


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